Monday, January 18, 2010

The LOGO. Hearts and Hands

So I didn't do any touch-up work to the hands. The images were originally fingers up, and I knew I wanted them down. When I flipped the image, I immediately saw the shape of a heart within the thumbs, and then a larger heart appeared on the outside as well. I was done. I am not a designer and I do not create logos. I am an illustrator. When these images popped out at me, including the hole in the palm of the one hand, the image was complete. SPIRITUALLY: There was some serious guidance with this one. I feel I was nothing more than the "hands" that made this happen. PHYSICALLY: My kids and I created the image. My husband will be adding the team name in text, as he's the wiz-bang illustrator/designer I am not. This is a family effort.

1 comment:

  1. Dearest Sue, Jason, Owen, and Eva -your logo and story of the logo give me goose-bumps. Do you know the line "a coincidence is a miracle done anonymously"? Your logo reminds me of that. Also reminds me of many, many similar "coincidences" that occurred during the Emmaus project. Thirteen of us started that journey with the premise that God always "shows up" if we but ask and stay open to that possibility - in other words, remain faithful. And over and over we asked and then waited and watched. It was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. I don't believe God has to wait for us to invite God into whatever it is that we are doing. But maybe the asking opens us up to watching, and then we find that amazing things are happening around us all the time.

    Remember BBT's story about turning aside to see the lighted garden/the burning bush? This feels like another burning bush. My problem is that even when I've seen a burning bush, or maybe dozens of them, I still am prone to return to "life as usual" and to forget. Then, gracefully, God provides another opportunity, and probably another and another, until I "get it" once again.

    Have you considered using your logo in some way to raise funds for MUST or your own non-profit? It could be a beautiful reminder to all of us to pay attention and trust, to step out in blind faith, (as were you when you made this), not waiting for all of the pieces to come together before we take action, but offering up instead whatever little bit we might have, believing that God will provide whatever else is needed.

    I'm so excited about what is happening in your lives...and by extension, in the lives of all who might take the time to turn and look. Your little ones are so very, very fortunate to have a mom and dad who are themselves willing to be open, to turn aside. What a wonderful, wonderful gift to them.

    I keep going back and looking at your logo. Amazing. Thanks for inviting us to turn aside, and look, and be filled with awe.

    Much love to each of you, SP & PP
