Monday, May 31, 2010


I haven't added to this blog in a while. Life is keeping me hopping. I've registered for the Summer Session of classes. I'll be taking Baking, Pastry and a Management and Supervision class. This and next week are finals, and I'm ready for the break in between quarters.

Today I am going to make homemade pasta and raviolis. I can't wait!!! Yes, pasta is $1.89 a box, but there is nothing like fresh pasta, so there is no comparison at all. But now what type of sauce should I make to go with it?


I haven't added to this blog in a while. Life is keeping me hopping. I've registered for the Summer Session of classes. I'll be taking Baking, Pastry and a Management and Supervision class. This and next week are finals, and I'm ready for the break in between quarters.

Today I am going to make homemade pasta and raviolis. I can't wait!!! Yes, pasta is $1.89 a box, but there is nothing like fresh pasta, so there is no comparison at all. But now what type of sauce should I make to go with it?

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Farmer's Market

I went to the Roswell Farmer's Market yesterday and fell in love. I bought bread, fresh eggs (farmed by a 12-ish year old boy himself before and after school), a gallon of strawberries, romaine, basil, "organic-raised" pork chops...ohhh the wonderfulness of organic, reasonably priced food!! I talked to the kids about doing this every Saturday and whatever is available from the local farmer's is what we eat for that week. We'll see how long that will work, since the strawberries are half gone a day later.

Farmer's Market

I went to the Roswell Farmer's Market yesterday and fell in love. I bought bread, fresh eggs (farmed by a 12-ish year old boy himself before and after school), a gallon of strawberries, romaine, basil, "organic-raised" pork chops...ohhh the wonderfulness of organic, reasonably priced food!! I talked to the kids about doing this every Saturday and whatever is available from the local farmer's is what we eat for that week. We'll see how long that will work, since the strawberries are half gone a day later.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

What's in a Name?

This morning when I woke up I had an email from Jason that said "Leaf and Loaf". This, and only this reminded me that last night while I was sleeping, this popped into my head and it woke me up. He was still awake and I asked him to jot it down for me. Just curious, what comes to mind for you when you hear "Leaf and Loaf"?

What's in a Name?

This morning when I woke up I had an email from Jason that said "Leaf and Loaf". This, and only this reminded me that last night while I was sleeping, this popped into my head and it woke me up. He was still awake and I asked him to jot it down for me. Just curious, what comes to mind for you when you hear "Leaf and Loaf"?

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Opinions Please

Can Atlanta support this idea? 'Cause if so, I'm all over it! Rolling kitchen of soups, sandwiches, salads and breads... lunch time only....

Opinions Please

Can Atlanta support this idea? 'Cause if so, I'm all over it! Rolling kitchen of soups, sandwiches, salads and breads... lunch time only....

Another Inspiration

We watched a video in class tonight that was about Chef Dan Barber. It was soooo inspirational. I'm adding Dan Barber and Stone Barn to my list.

Another Inspiration

We watched a video in class tonight that was about Chef Dan Barber. It was soooo inspirational. I'm adding Dan Barber and Stone Barn to my list.

Monday, May 17, 2010

500 Lunch Bags- decorated

The 500 decorated lunch bags for MUST is back on. I'm making this a giant group event because I realized that 500 bags for 3-4 people is taking much longer than it needs to. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, we will be in Parish Hall at St. Catherine's Episcopal Church on Holt Road from 10:30 - 1:00 on Wednesday, June 2nd. I will supply the bags, people should bring their crayons, markers, stickers, whatever, and a lunch. We'll eat together at noon and celebrate a job well done.

500 Lunch Bags- decorated

The 500 decorated lunch bags for MUST is back on. I'm making this a giant group event because I realized that 500 bags for 3-4 people is taking much longer than it needs to. If you know of anyone who would like to join us, we will be in Parish Hall at St. Catherine's Episcopal Church on Holt Road from 10:30 - 1:00 on Wednesday, June 2nd. I will supply the bags, people should bring their crayons, markers, stickers, whatever, and a lunch. We'll eat together at noon and celebrate a job well done.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

By the way...

For those of you wondering why I changed my direction from non-profit to culinary....

I came to the realization that although I feel strongly about supporting non-profits like MUST, I can continue to support them without making it my full-time job or career change. I will eventually wrap that into my lunch place to help make a difference. For now, I follow my dream.

By the way...

For those of you wondering why I changed my direction from non-profit to culinary....

I came to the realization that although I feel strongly about supporting non-profits like MUST, I can continue to support them without making it my full-time job or career change. I will eventually wrap that into my lunch place to help make a difference. For now, I follow my dream.

MUST Ministries Fundraiser

Jason and I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the MUST Ministries Fundraising Dinner/Auction last night. Formal attire and everything! Thank you, M's. My guess is there were about 1,500 people there in the giant ballroom in a fancy shmancy hotel. Two folks from MUST not only recognized me, but knew that I was the PB&J drive person. How wonderful to be remembered like that. I felt pretty special.

While we are not in a position to have bid on anything, the M.C. was absolutely hysterical and the folks at our table (invited by the sponsors of the table from St. Catherine's) had a great time. We talked about a sandwich making party for adults and we'll roll in the 500 decorated lunch bags into the mix. I've started the ball rolling on getting space at church to decorate some bags.

What a great night.

MUST Ministries Fundraiser

Jason and I had the wonderful opportunity to attend the MUST Ministries Fundraising Dinner/Auction last night. Formal attire and everything! Thank you, M's. My guess is there were about 1,500 people there in the giant ballroom in a fancy shmancy hotel. Two folks from MUST not only recognized me, but knew that I was the PB&J drive person. How wonderful to be remembered like that. I felt pretty special.

While we are not in a position to have bid on anything, the M.C. was absolutely hysterical and the folks at our table (invited by the sponsors of the table from St. Catherine's) had a great time. We talked about a sandwich making party for adults and we'll roll in the 500 decorated lunch bags into the mix. I've started the ball rolling on getting space at church to decorate some bags.

What a great night.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Today was a Bread Ministry day. I'd like to give a HOORAY for Publix who very wonderfully allows churches in the area, including ours, to pick up their 'day old' bread every morning. Instead of these baked goods being thrown away, we pick them up and deliver them to two different shelters that support local hungry folks. THANK YOU, PUBLIX. YOU ARE AWESOME. CAN WE DO THIS WITH MEAT, TOO?

The really amazing thing is the first time I went, I had both kids with me and they helped load the cookies, Spiderman cupcakes, pastries and breads into our car. The other times I've gone with only Eva, and neither of them have ever asked if they can have some of these treats. That to me is the best part.


Today was a Bread Ministry day. I'd like to give a HOORAY for Publix who very wonderfully allows churches in the area, including ours, to pick up their 'day old' bread every morning. Instead of these baked goods being thrown away, we pick them up and deliver them to two different shelters that support local hungry folks. THANK YOU, PUBLIX. YOU ARE AWESOME. CAN WE DO THIS WITH MEAT, TOO?

The really amazing thing is the first time I went, I had both kids with me and they helped load the cookies, Spiderman cupcakes, pastries and breads into our car. The other times I've gone with only Eva, and neither of them have ever asked if they can have some of these treats. That to me is the best part.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blue Cheese ColeSlaw

I just made the most amazing blue cheese coleslaw. This is one for the lunch menu. KEEPER.

Blue Cheese ColeSlaw

I just made the most amazing blue cheese coleslaw. This is one for the lunch menu. KEEPER.


Today feels a little scary. The reality of Cobra is setting in, as is the undetermined future our household has. There have been a few leads, and it's all moving in a positive direction, but today is gray and icky outside and my positive attitude feels it is on a break this morning.

So I'll go study for school and then make some Blue Cheese ColeSlaw. : )


Today feels a little scary. The reality of Cobra is setting in, as is the undetermined future our household has. There have been a few leads, and it's all moving in a positive direction, but today is gray and icky outside and my positive attitude feels it is on a break this morning.

So I'll go study for school and then make some Blue Cheese ColeSlaw. : )

Monday, May 10, 2010

My Journal for Class

Each week I have to submit a minimum of one type of Journal, per class. Here's one from last week:

The midterms had me shaking last week. I am not a good test-taker and I am not a big reader. I am a “doer”. That is how I learn best. So while I was very nervous at the knife skills portion, the cooking portion had me quite relaxed. It helped that I have confidence in my partner, as there are others in the class that would have not been as great to be paired up with for a mid-term. So is life in the environment of a kitchen, I suppose.

The written test in the lecture portion of the class really had me nervous. We have learned so much information in 4 weeks. Because we had not had a quiz in that class before, I wasn’t very sure what to expect of the midterm, so my studying was a bit strange. What I realized more than anything is that I have to study weekly like I studied for the mid-term. Being my first quarter back in college, I’m just getting myself back into the swing and adjusting to all of these new life changes I’ve chosen to pursue.

I purchased a few different types of prepared broths that I will use instead of bouillon. What a difference! I bought Hearty Vegetable, Vegetable and Free-Range Chicken with no salt. I’d like to open them all at once and taste the differences of them all, but I can’t possibly use that much broth without a plan for a GIANT pot of soup. We’ll see. I made a pilaf with the Hearty Vegetable broth and it was very, very good. I toasted the rice in a little clarified butter and then poured the hot stock in. The rice was fluffy, tender and not sticky, with an amazingly rich but not overpowering flavor. I think I want to go eat more of it right now.

My Journal for Class

Each week I have to submit a minimum of one type of Journal, per class. Here's one from last week:

The midterms had me shaking last week. I am not a good test-taker and I am not a big reader. I am a “doer”. That is how I learn best. So while I was very nervous at the knife skills portion, the cooking portion had me quite relaxed. It helped that I have confidence in my partner, as there are others in the class that would have not been as great to be paired up with for a mid-term. So is life in the environment of a kitchen, I suppose.

The written test in the lecture portion of the class really had me nervous. We have learned so much information in 4 weeks. Because we had not had a quiz in that class before, I wasn’t very sure what to expect of the midterm, so my studying was a bit strange. What I realized more than anything is that I have to study weekly like I studied for the mid-term. Being my first quarter back in college, I’m just getting myself back into the swing and adjusting to all of these new life changes I’ve chosen to pursue.

I purchased a few different types of prepared broths that I will use instead of bouillon. What a difference! I bought Hearty Vegetable, Vegetable and Free-Range Chicken with no salt. I’d like to open them all at once and taste the differences of them all, but I can’t possibly use that much broth without a plan for a GIANT pot of soup. We’ll see. I made a pilaf with the Hearty Vegetable broth and it was very, very good. I toasted the rice in a little clarified butter and then poured the hot stock in. The rice was fluffy, tender and not sticky, with an amazingly rich but not overpowering flavor. I think I want to go eat more of it right now.

Friday, May 7, 2010


Last night ended my three day streak of written tests, presentations, kitchen skills practicals and now I can breathe today. The kitchen practical last night consisted of 90 minutes to make various (and very specific) cuts to carrots, potatoes, garlic, parsley, and tomato and then the rest of the five hour testing was being assigned with a partner to make consomme', veloute', Hollandaise, mayonnaise and bechamel. Class lasted from 5:50 - 10:45 and I'm "cooked" today! Glad I'm not trying to do this while working full time as well. I see what happens to those students- they are falling asleep in class (and snoring, too) and not having their "stuff" prepared for class. This is a huge investment- financially and time-wise and I'm very happy to have the opportunity to be able to focus on it as much as I can.


Last night ended my three day streak of written tests, presentations, kitchen skills practicals and now I can breathe today. The kitchen practical last night consisted of 90 minutes to make various (and very specific) cuts to carrots, potatoes, garlic, parsley, and tomato and then the rest of the five hour testing was being assigned with a partner to make consomme', veloute', Hollandaise, mayonnaise and bechamel. Class lasted from 5:50 - 10:45 and I'm "cooked" today! Glad I'm not trying to do this while working full time as well. I see what happens to those students- they are falling asleep in class (and snoring, too) and not having their "stuff" prepared for class. This is a huge investment- financially and time-wise and I'm very happy to have the opportunity to be able to focus on it as much as I can.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


I would like to be a small portion of SouperJenny. If anyone knows her personally and can make an introduction, please let me know. She serves soup, salads and sandwiches from 11-2 and about 300 people eat at her place for lunch every day. She has so many great "attitudes" on her web site, like no cell phones, they close for the month of August to rejuvenate and many great other "philosophies".


I would like to be a small portion of SouperJenny. If anyone knows her personally and can make an introduction, please let me know. She serves soup, salads and sandwiches from 11-2 and about 300 people eat at her place for lunch every day. She has so many great "attitudes" on her web site, like no cell phones, they close for the month of August to rejuvenate and many great other "philosophies".

Monday, May 3, 2010

What's in store for today?

Making granola, printing out my paper on "The OverUse of Antibiotics in Healthcare and the Food Industry", finishing my PowerPoint presentation on the paper and studying for 3 different mid-terms this week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Eva and I will be surprising Owen for lunch, getting soaked in the rain on the way (which will be great fun in itself) and who knows what other mischief we'll get into.

What's in store for today?

Making granola, printing out my paper on "The OverUse of Antibiotics in Healthcare and the Food Industry", finishing my PowerPoint presentation on the paper and studying for 3 different mid-terms this week. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday nights. Eva and I will be surprising Owen for lunch, getting soaked in the rain on the way (which will be great fun in itself) and who knows what other mischief we'll get into.