Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Here we go..

Last night O wrote a letter to the kids/parents in his class about PB&J donations. He also wrote one to his Target teacher who said she'd be more than happy to send the email to the kids in that class as well. Originally I asked E's teacher if we could do it in her classroom, and then decided to ask the Director of the Preschool who immediately said "give me a flyer, we'll copy and distribute home with all the children.". Thanks, KO!!!! I also sent an email to my office and put something on Facebook. Within an hour of all of this we already had seven jars of jam (counted) and lots of people saying they'd donate. O smiled big this morning when I updated him.

1 comment:

  1. Apparently there's really good peanut butter and jelly on another planet. I have connections... I think they even had 2 day delivery from said planet!

    I hear they like raspberry jelly the best there!
    We shall see!!!
