"Giving means extending one's Love with no conditions, no expectations and no boundaries.
Peace of mind occurs, therefore when we put all our attention into giving and have no desire to get anything from, or to change, another person.
The giving motivation leads to a sense of inner peace and joy that is unrelated to time."
Gerald G. Jampolsky
Love is Letting Go of Fear
Sunday, January 31, 2010
"Giving means extending one's Love with no conditions, no expectations and no boundaries.
Peace of mind occurs, therefore when we put all our attention into giving and have no desire to get anything from, or to change, another person.
The giving motivation leads to a sense of inner peace and joy that is unrelated to time."
Gerald G. Jampolsky
Love is Letting Go of Fear
Peace of mind occurs, therefore when we put all our attention into giving and have no desire to get anything from, or to change, another person.
The giving motivation leads to a sense of inner peace and joy that is unrelated to time."
Gerald G. Jampolsky
Love is Letting Go of Fear
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Inge Swearingen
Inge's voice, lyrics and simplicity are truly inspiring.
Hush Little Baby
April Afternoon
Hush Little Baby
April Afternoon
Inge Swearingen
Inge's voice, lyrics and simplicity are truly inspiring.
Hush Little Baby
April Afternoon
Hush Little Baby
April Afternoon
Friday, January 29, 2010
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Outpouring of Support
I posted a note on Facebook and that has started an influx of friends who are now donating money for me to go buy PB&J by our deadline. Amazing- simply amazing. Tears. Again.
I am picking up from O's school this afternoon and we'll do a tally to date. This way we know where we stand instead of guessing. I think we're gonna do it!!! I KNOW WE ARE!
Outpouring of Support
I posted a note on Facebook and that has started an influx of friends who are now donating money for me to go buy PB&J by our deadline. Amazing- simply amazing. Tears. Again.
I am picking up from O's school this afternoon and we'll do a tally to date. This way we know where we stand instead of guessing. I think we're gonna do it!!! I KNOW WE ARE!
Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tuesday, January 26, 2010
I'm Listening!!!!
I sent out a reminder email to my office and put one on Facebook.. this Friday is the deadline for PB&J. I got really nice notes back from my two bosses and one really inspirational email from one of them who really supports non-profits. I'm back to my day work, and the document I created for St. Cat's (to hand out to the preschoolers) opens up out of nowhere... the flyer to donate PB &J. OK OK. I AM LISTENING!!!! The hair on my arms stood up.
I'm Listening!!!!
I sent out a reminder email to my office and put one on Facebook.. this Friday is the deadline for PB&J. I got really nice notes back from my two bosses and one really inspirational email from one of them who really supports non-profits. I'm back to my day work, and the document I created for St. Cat's (to hand out to the preschoolers) opens up out of nowhere... the flyer to donate PB &J. OK OK. I AM LISTENING!!!! The hair on my arms stood up.
A friend gave me a CD for Christmas. She chooses a song for each month of the year- one that represents that month in her life. Listening to it this morning on the way to work, "Blessed Be The Name" came on. I started singing it and started crying. What's going on today?
A friend gave me a CD for Christmas. She chooses a song for each month of the year- one that represents that month in her life. Listening to it this morning on the way to work, "Blessed Be The Name" came on. I started singing it and started crying. What's going on today?
Now the Silence
I woke up this morning with "Now the Silence" in my head. I'm sure it wasn't because it was on my radio as the alarm went off.
Now the silence, now the peace,
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.
Now the Silence
I woke up this morning with "Now the Silence" in my head. I'm sure it wasn't because it was on my radio as the alarm went off.
Now the silence, now the peace,
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.
Now the empty hands uplifted;
Now the kneeling, now the plea,
Now the Father’s arms in welcome;
Now the hearing, now the power,
Now the vessel brimmed for pouring;
Now the body, now the blood,
Now the joyful celebration;
Now the wedding, now the songs,
Now the heart forgiven, leaping;
Now the Spirit’s visitation,
Now the Son’s epiphany;
Now the Father’s blessing,
Now, now, now.
Monday, January 25, 2010
Our T-shirts are done. Everyone in the family has one and we'll wear them on Wednesday and Thursday when we go to pick up our PB&J from the wonderful classrooms that helped us. Can't wait for the final count! What to do next? I need to spend some serious time on my resume, gearing my skills towards non-profit type jobs. Some have asked permission to share my blog with others. No permission needed, the more the merrier! Thanks for everyone's support in our class on Sunday. Really. THANK YOU.
Our T-shirts are done. Everyone in the family has one and we'll wear them on Wednesday and Thursday when we go to pick up our PB&J from the wonderful classrooms that helped us. Can't wait for the final count! What to do next? I need to spend some serious time on my resume, gearing my skills towards non-profit type jobs. Some have asked permission to share my blog with others. No permission needed, the more the merrier! Thanks for everyone's support in our class on Sunday. Really. THANK YOU.
Friday, January 22, 2010
Jim Browning
I attended a seminar last night provided by the Career Ministry at church. Jim Browning presented information (amazingly helpful information) about how to network and connect to people on LinkedIn. One aspect of his many great tips was that we should ask others how we can help them first. Totally agree. Right up my alley. I was so pumped with enthusiasm last night I couldn't believe it. There are so many things I want to get done, read, plan... One would think that doing all of this after a full time job would be draining, but it's not. ITS NOTHING SHORT OF COMPLETELY EXCITING.
Jim Browning
I attended a seminar last night provided by the Career Ministry at church. Jim Browning presented information (amazingly helpful information) about how to network and connect to people on LinkedIn. One aspect of his many great tips was that we should ask others how we can help them first. Totally agree. Right up my alley. I was so pumped with enthusiasm last night I couldn't believe it. There are so many things I want to get done, read, plan... One would think that doing all of this after a full time job would be draining, but it's not. ITS NOTHING SHORT OF COMPLETELY EXCITING.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
People keep coming into my office with PB&J. It's bringing tears to my eyes. The logo got some love from my wonderful husband last night. It's a cohesive logo now, ready to put on our t-shirts!
People keep coming into my office with PB&J. It's bringing tears to my eyes. The logo got some love from my wonderful husband last night. It's a cohesive logo now, ready to put on our t-shirts!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Ice Cream
My brain is already churning some ice cream donation/fundraiser ideas. Check it out:
Thank you Rob Bell...
Ice Cream
My brain is already churning some ice cream donation/fundraiser ideas. Check it out:
Thank you Rob Bell...
Here we go..

Last night O wrote a letter to the kids/parents in his class about PB&J donations. He also wrote one to his Target teacher who said she'd be more than happy to send the email to the kids in that class as well. Originally I asked E's teacher if we could do it in her classroom, and then decided to ask the Director of the Preschool who immediately said "give me a flyer, we'll copy and distribute home with all the children.". Thanks, KO!!!! I also sent an email to my office and put something on Facebook. Within an hour of all of this we already had seven jars of jam (counted) and lots of people saying they'd donate. O smiled big this morning when I updated him.
Here we go..

Last night O wrote a letter to the kids/parents in his class about PB&J donations. He also wrote one to his Target teacher who said she'd be more than happy to send the email to the kids in that class as well. Originally I asked E's teacher if we could do it in her classroom, and then decided to ask the Director of the Preschool who immediately said "give me a flyer, we'll copy and distribute home with all the children.". Thanks, KO!!!! I also sent an email to my office and put something on Facebook. Within an hour of all of this we already had seven jars of jam (counted) and lots of people saying they'd donate. O smiled big this morning when I updated him.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
More PB & J!!
Just got approval from St. Catherine's Preschool to extend the PB & J drive to the preschool families. I will be sending in a flyer and the school will distribute. Is 100 jars too little? Baby steps, Sue, baby steps.
More PB & J!!
Just got approval from St. Catherine's Preschool to extend the PB & J drive to the preschool families. I will be sending in a flyer and the school will distribute. Is 100 jars too little? Baby steps, Sue, baby steps.
We go the go-ahead from O's teacher to collect PB&J in her classroom. Here we come, 100 jars of peanut butter and 100 jars of jelly for MUST. : ) !!!!
We go the go-ahead from O's teacher to collect PB&J in her classroom. Here we come, 100 jars of peanut butter and 100 jars of jelly for MUST. : ) !!!!
I was given a book by a very close friend (PM). It is really great. Inspirational as well as very motivating and moving.
"48 Days to the Work You Love" by Dan Miller
One excerpt:
"A Prayer for Joy"
Help me, O God,
To listen to what it is that makes my heart glad
And to follow where it leads.
May joy, not guilt,
Your voice, not the voices of others,
Your will, not my willfulness,
Be the guides that lead me to my vocation.
Help me to unearth the passions of my heart
That lay buried in my youth.
And help me to go over that ground again and again
Until I can hold in my hands,
Hold and treasure,
Your calling on my life."
- Ken Gire, Windows of the Soul
I was given a book by a very close friend (PM). It is really great. Inspirational as well as very motivating and moving.
"48 Days to the Work You Love" by Dan Miller
One excerpt:
"A Prayer for Joy"
Help me, O God,
To listen to what it is that makes my heart glad
And to follow where it leads.
May joy, not guilt,
Your voice, not the voices of others,
Your will, not my willfulness,
Be the guides that lead me to my vocation.
Help me to unearth the passions of my heart
That lay buried in my youth.
And help me to go over that ground again and again
Until I can hold in my hands,
Hold and treasure,
Your calling on my life."
- Ken Gire, Windows of the Soul
Monday, January 18, 2010
Serenity Prayer

So I invited my in-laws to view the blog today. I have not shown it to anyone but immediate family because I'm not totally sure how this whole blog thing works. Pretty easy so far. I came home from work and my husband handed me this beautifully cross-stiched, framed Serenity Prayer. I cried. My mother in law is amazing. I'm crying again now. Thanks, LS.
Serenity Prayer

So I invited my in-laws to view the blog today. I have not shown it to anyone but immediate family because I'm not totally sure how this whole blog thing works. Pretty easy so far. I came home from work and my husband handed me this beautifully cross-stiched, framed Serenity Prayer. I cried. My mother in law is amazing. I'm crying again now. Thanks, LS.
The LOGO. Hearts and Hands
So I didn't do any touch-up work to the hands. The images were originally fingers up, and I knew I wanted them down. When I flipped the image, I immediately saw the shape of a heart within the thumbs, and then a larger heart appeared on the outside as well. I was done. I am not a designer and I do not create logos. I am an illustrator. When these images popped out at me, including the hole in the palm of the one hand, the image was complete. SPIRITUALLY: There was some serious guidance with this one. I feel I was nothing more than the "hands" that made this happen. PHYSICALLY: My kids and I created the image. My husband will be adding the team name in text, as he's the wiz-bang illustrator/designer I am not. This is a family effort.
The LOGO. Hearts and Hands
So I didn't do any touch-up work to the hands. The images were originally fingers up, and I knew I wanted them down. When I flipped the image, I immediately saw the shape of a heart within the thumbs, and then a larger heart appeared on the outside as well. I was done. I am not a designer and I do not create logos. I am an illustrator. When these images popped out at me, including the hole in the palm of the one hand, the image was complete. SPIRITUALLY: There was some serious guidance with this one. I feel I was nothing more than the "hands" that made this happen. PHYSICALLY: My kids and I created the image. My husband will be adding the team name in text, as he's the wiz-bang illustrator/designer I am not. This is a family effort.
So at 6 am, when OS woke up for school, he found the letter I had written to him a few hours earlier. I heard him drop the letter at my bedroom door. On the back of the letter he wrote, "I will join your team. Team: Givers" So this is the name of our organically grown non-official non-profit Team. He wanted to know how we could start. I told him we'd have a Peanut Butter and Jelly drive at school. We'd ask everyone in his class to bring in one jar of each, I'd bring the wagon to school, we'd load it up and bring it to MUST Minstries. He was so excited at how easy this seemed, he asked me to come home early from work. We needed Team T-shirts. So this past Saturday we painted our hands and put them on paper. We experimented with colors, but the swirly ones were the best. You will see them in my logo.
So at 6 am, when OS woke up for school, he found the letter I had written to him a few hours earlier. I heard him drop the letter at my bedroom door. On the back of the letter he wrote, "I will join your team. Team: Givers" So this is the name of our organically grown non-official non-profit Team. He wanted to know how we could start. I told him we'd have a Peanut Butter and Jelly drive at school. We'd ask everyone in his class to bring in one jar of each, I'd bring the wagon to school, we'd load it up and bring it to MUST Minstries. He was so excited at how easy this seemed, he asked me to come home early from work. We needed Team T-shirts. So this past Saturday we painted our hands and put them on paper. We experimented with colors, but the swirly ones were the best. You will see them in my logo.
Can't Sleep Letter
While awakened at 1 am, I began thinking about work in a very sleepy stupor. At 1:45, I had great clarity, jumped out of bed and wrote my son this letter. He is in Second Grade.
Can't Sleep Letter
While awakened at 1 am, I began thinking about work in a very sleepy stupor. At 1:45, I had great clarity, jumped out of bed and wrote my son this letter. He is in Second Grade.
I Have A Dream...
I Have A Dream...
Not sure how I'm going to get there, but this is where I'm headed-
"Non-profit organizations are full of people who are committed to making this world a better place. They believe in the potential of those they serve in their cause, in a more just, economically and environmentally sustainable world. They also face significant challenges if they want to fully embody their role as agents of social change, and inspiring examples of an alternative and succesful model of leadership and living."
FInd it ironic that I posted this on Martin Luther King's Birthday? I did. Strange... or is it?
"Non-profit organizations are full of people who are committed to making this world a better place. They believe in the potential of those they serve in their cause, in a more just, economically and environmentally sustainable world. They also face significant challenges if they want to fully embody their role as agents of social change, and inspiring examples of an alternative and succesful model of leadership and living."
FInd it ironic that I posted this on Martin Luther King's Birthday? I did. Strange... or is it?
Not sure how I'm going to get there, but this is where I'm headed-
"Non-profit organizations are full of people who are committed to making this world a better place. They believe in the potential of those they serve in their cause, in a more just, economically and environmentally sustainable world. They also face significant challenges if they want to fully embody their role as agents of social change, and inspiring examples of an alternative and succesful model of leadership and living."
FInd it ironic that I posted this on Martin Luther King's Birthday? I did. Strange... or is it?
"Non-profit organizations are full of people who are committed to making this world a better place. They believe in the potential of those they serve in their cause, in a more just, economically and environmentally sustainable world. They also face significant challenges if they want to fully embody their role as agents of social change, and inspiring examples of an alternative and succesful model of leadership and living."
FInd it ironic that I posted this on Martin Luther King's Birthday? I did. Strange... or is it?
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