Monday, May 2, 2011


Death seems to be quite rampant around me lately. I'm not afraid of it, it is what it is. It does make me sad to watch people suffer, and for children to be a part of it. As I told my new friend Lou last week, we are all dying, the difference being that those with a chronic illness may have a better idea of what it is that will take their life. My day may be next week for all we know. Hopefully it is not. But I will do my best to live every day like it may be next week.

The news about Bin Laden this morning gave me a strange sense, immediately. Did I want him to take any more lives? No. Do I find it odd that he murdered many, many people, but the news this morning was that He Was Dead. I didn't hear anyone on the radio say that Bin Laden had been murdered or killed, but just that he was dead. Again, don't get me wrong, I'm glad he can't do any more harm, but I am still a bit uneasy with this story. Why? Why does something about this just sit wrong with me?

Once I was asked if I would ever have a gun in my house, and would I rather shoot someone or be shot. I'm posting this as a rhetorical question. Many have a quick answer to this. Others do not.

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