Monday, May 2, 2011

Can't Think of a Title

So one of the strongest forces in my life, who taught a class on How to Live, who showed me how to appreciate the bugs on the flowers, how to walk backwards with a mirror so that you only see what is in the mirror (focus and attention), how to meditate about my own funeral so that when the time comes, there are no surprises, and many, many other amazing life experiences, has passed. Sharon, thankfully we had time and I was able to tell you and show you many times how much I appreciated your presence in my life. You showed me a great light in my darkness.

Last Thursday I was given the gift of a meditation class during work hours. (Jenny, you really are amazing.) What this class did for me was make me cry almost immediately. Here's the story.

A week ago I met Lou. He is a man from my church whom I had never met before last Friday. He has lung cancer and pneumonia and needed some meals. I brought him some soup and a few other edibles. I've either visited with him or talked to him on the phone every day since then. I've sat with him a number of times to cheer him up and give him hope and my kids, I hope, have also helped with that. I told him about Sharon, and he said he'd heard of her but wasn't sure if he had met her. I told him it would be great for the two of them to talk, but I knew she wasn't doing very well. I sent her an email about him, knowing there might not be a response. Then she passed. On Friday I was at Lou's house and he asked me what was going on with Sharon. I told him she passed and he said he felt like something had happened the day before. Wow.

So back to the meditation- what came out of this amazing hour was tears, because what I realized during this intentional time is that I am trying to be for Lou what Sharon was for me. A great light in his darkness. Wow again.

A common friend told me last night that I have changed his life. I know he's changed mine. Thanks for letting me in your life, Lou.

Peace to all who suffer.

1 comment:

  1. My condolences for the loss of your friend.
