Friday, April 1, 2011

29 Days of Giving

So at the place where I go and cook every day, we are all participating in THE 29 DAYS OF GIVING. We are giving something every day for 29 days and today was the first day. (In the time it's taken me to write that first sentence I have received two phonecalls, one for a donation for Children's Cancer and one for donations for Women and Children of Domestic Violence. I have supported them in the past and find it interesting that I got BOTH calls just now.)

OK. So two days ago I gave. I don't usually go out of my way to give things to strangers, but driving in to work at 5:45am, in the dark, I saw a man picking through a trash can outside a store on West Paces Ferry. Without hesitation or fear (which was different for me), I turned the car around so I could talk to him through the driver's side window and not the passenger's side. There was nobody else in sight. I rolled the window down and told him I didn't have anything else to give that morning, but if he was hungry I had a banana and handed it to him. He said, "Thank you. This banana is the most protein I'll eat today and what's more important is that you cared enough about me to turn your car around and come back. God Bless and I Love You." He waved as I drove away.

So I continued on to work. Crying.

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