Monday, April 16, 2012

Nutty 'Nola goes to Market!!

I did it!!! While I was in Culinary School I decided to start my own small business to get my feet wet. Low risk, no overhead, etc. I was planning on getting into Farmers Markets with my 'Nola (granola). But then I got the best full time job anyone could ask for and the 'Nola got put to the side. Now with a bit of juggling and breathing, I can do both!! I GOT INTO THE SANDY SPRINGS FARMERS MARKET FOR 2012!!!.

So I baked today and my process was the most streamlined and efficient it's ever been. I was putting my spreadsheet together for today's bake and realized that my product amounts went from ounces to pounds!!!! 50 pounds of rolled oats is a LOT!!

In my morning meditation reading, (paraphrased), it said something like if you don't take a leap and jump the dark chasm, you'll never realize the rock of foundation that will appear under your feet. How appropriate for me any time, but especially for me today.

Look for Leaf and Loaf, LLC at the Sandy Springs Farmers Market in May!!!

Love Love,



  1. Are you still doing this? I couldn't find your product on their web site. ;)

  2. I will be at the Market starting May 12th. I don't think the SSFM website is quite up to date.
