Sunday, September 12, 2010


Yesterday a friend lent me a Souper Jenny Cookbook and a magazine that talks about her adopting her son as a single mom. This woman is amazing, inspirational and dare I say a current HERO of mine. I've never met her. She exudes this feeling on her web site, in her videos online, in her writing, that makes me happy. I want to be like her, with a smaller, successful restaurant. I went to bed last night and said, "How do I make this work?". Then I realized that I have to define "THIS" and then come up with a plan to make it work. Jason told me to dream about it and we'd figure it out. So from 9:30 - 2:00am I kept dreaming of different soups. Nothing that I remembered specifically at 2:00 when I finally woke up wide awake thinking. So I just got up and came out to the living room to write down my thoughts, ideas and brainstorm a little more.

The restaurant idea scared me, so I backed away and thought a Food Truck might be a better option. Then I got scared of that because the current laws are so restrictive, and decided to start at the Farmer's Market level and let it all grow from small to big instead of risking a lot more going big at first. There is still a lot of thought that will be had to decide where to go next, but it will all work out. I'm finished with school in December and so of course, me being organized me, am trying to figure out what I'll do

So for now... just thinking of the fall weather, soup, bread and friends.

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