Sunday, May 22, 2011

Minimalism and Simplicity

I find that I fight a food battle every week or so. We started a strict budgeting program which allows me to go to the grocery store once per week. Towards the end of the week, we are pretty tight on things, but we make it work. It's not always as easy as just making a sandwich, because we may be out of sliced turkey or cheese, but there is always something that we can eat. We will not starve. (I am perfectly aware of the abundance we live in and I try to remind my kids of that regularly, just as our parents did.)

After I go to the grocery store (and, mind you, I spend $100 per week), and put all the food away, I feel like we are gluttonous. The sight of food all over my kitchen, in the fridge, in the freezer, in the snack drawer, it all makes me feel like we have too much. Maybe we do. But it only takes a day or so for the kids to have a few meals and a few snacks and we're back to where we were at the end of the previous week. How can I maintain this balance without visiting Publix twice a week? Maybe I don't. Maybe this feeling of imbalance is important- for some reason.

Just something I think about regularly and thought I'd share. Anyone have any thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. You might not be buying enough food for a family of four:

    Would $140/week keep you in food through the week?
