Saturday, April 23, 2011

I Hate Cancer

Would someone please find a cure for cancer? I thought I would do it when I went away to college, but turns out it wasn't my forte', so I drew pictures of human anatomy that would hopefully educate someone else to help them find a cure.

I recently lost an old college friend to brain cancer. Yesterday I met a man from church, whom I didn't recognize (although he said he recognized me), who has cancer, and the woman who helped me change my life and how I live it has been fighting multiple myeloma for about ten years. Her fight is getting harder and harder each day and I hate that anyone needs to be in pain and must suffer with these awful things. Talking to someone who knows they are close to death is interesting because even though I'm not sick (as far as I know), my day could be tomorrow, next Thursday or next week. The only difference is that those that are sick are pretty sure their illness is what is going change their path here on Earth.

So, since none of us really know when our time will come, remember what's important in life. Be nice to people. SMILE. Share. Love. Laugh a lot. Laugh some more and then keep laughing until you can't laugh any more. SMILE. Help others. Give to others. and then Laugh again.

I Love you, Sharon. Please find peace where you are.

1 comment:

  1. I'm right there with you! I have to hold on to the thought that there truly is a plan- My prayers are with you for your friend.
